RSI — Repetitive Stress Injury — Be Aware and Prevent Injury

RSI — Repetitive Stress Injury — Be Aware and Prevent Injury

Your’re slumped over your desk, furiously typing away. Instant messaging keeps dinging at you…. Just a few more minutes…. You glance at the clock, and it’s already 11:30 a.m. and you realize you haven’t moved since you got to your office at 8:00 a.m. The burning sensation between your shoulder blades is now to painful to ignore. As you get …

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Momma Strength & Flexibility

Momma Strength & Flexibility

Everyday activities require each of us to posses and maintain flexibility and stability. But as you become a Mom and after delivery, you quickly come to respect the existence of and need for both. After pregnancy your body is weaker in certain areas than before your body spent nine month accompdating the little one and often more flexible because certain …

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Pilates for Runners

Pilates for Runners

So if you’re a runner you may have had issues with tight hips, “runners knee”, or IT-Bands.  You also might notice your hips are usually pretty tight.  Runners typically have overworked and weak glutes (butt muscles) and psoas (hip flexors) muscles.  So what are good exercises to do to strengthen those muscles and make sure you aren’t setting yourself up …

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Myofascial Lines

Myofascial Lines

Happy Monday!!!  So today we are going to touch on the topic of Myofascial Lines.  What exactly are “Myofascial Lines”? Basically they are lines of connective tissue that run through out the body.  There is a posterior (back) line, anterior (front) line, spiral, and lateral lines.  These lines help the body to move as a unit.  So why is this …

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What is the Best Time of Day to Run?

What is the Best Time of Day to Run?

This is a common question for runners, new and old.  Is there an optimal time to go for a run?  If there is, how much of a difference does it really make? If you are one of those who painstakingly get up and out of bed at the crack of dawn to get your run in before the sun has …

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Boston Marathon

Boston Marathon

As we watch in horror the events that took place at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, it’s very easy to lose your faith in human nature.  Whoever planned this attack is a heartless individual or group of heartless individuals.  I do what to try to find the light at the end of the tunnel and reflect on things …

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Reason NOT to Stretch

Reason NOT to Stretch

Woah, wait… I know what you’re thinking.  “Jenn, you have told us how good stretching is for us, and that we should stretch.  Why are you linking an article about why we shouldn’t stretch?”.  I can understand your confusion, but really, this is a great article that summarizes reasons why you should not stretch before a workout or activity. Dynamic …

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Welcome to April!

Welcome to April!

Best new fitness craze.  Catch it here: April Fools…But those are some serious moves.  Now here we go with some awesome local events and information. So here we are, FINALLY getting some warmer weather.  This is also the time of year where I want to be outside all day everyday.  There’s always so much to do and the sun …

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I’m Back!

I’m Back!

Hey there!! Well I’m back from an extremely informative week in Vegas for the ACSM’s Annual Fitness Summit and Exposition.  I’m still slightly overwhelmed from all of the information I received, so it’s taking me some time to process it all in this brain of mine, haha.  I’ll definitely be sharing some tidbits from the summit with you guys.  I …

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Can the Psoas Be Saved?!

Can the Psoas Be Saved?!

So as I was doing some studying up on the interwebs, and I stumbled across this awesome little article about the psoas (pronounced so-as).  Read it here: With many people having jobs where sitting is quite common, and for a fairly lengthy amount of time, it makes sense that certain muscles would become aggravated with us.  The psoas is …

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