Feel the Burn!

Feel the Burn!

Great class again tonight with Kim and Dana! I decided to wear my heart rate monitor just to see how many calories I’d actually burn while stretching.  Take a guess at how many calories I burned…..Go ahead….Take a stab at it….. 1…… 2…… 3……. 244 Calories.  Pretty awesome, right?  All that from simply doing an hour worth of stretching.  I dare …

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Stretching in the NFL

Stretching in the NFL

Kim gave me a great article about stretching to read over.  You can read it here: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324734904578243930799732200.html#articleTabs%3Darticle It basically talks about how the 49ers have found so much success on the field and have equated it to the stretching regime that they are required to do.   Reading through the article, and knowing a decent amount about our wonderful machine, …

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Races and Events Around the Corner

Races and Events Around the Corner

Just figured I’d stop in and post about some races that are happening right around the corner.  Capital City Runners has a list of events and races that they are involved in.  Check it out! http://www.capcityrunners.com/calendar-main Also, don’t forget to check out Active.com to find out other events around the state, and in Tallahassee.  you can also find events around the …

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Importance of Proper Training

Importance of Proper Training

As with any sport, you should take the necessary precautions to your health and pay very close attention to how your body is responding to it’s surroundings, integrated systems, and the race day “stressors” that come about.   When you’ve trained for a long period of time and have become conditioned for certain activities, whether it be running, cycling, swimming, …

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Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!!

t’s almost fully through the first week of 2013.  Another year, and another opportunity for those New Years Resolutions to shine…or fail.  Most people, myself included, start getting into the “New Year, New Me” philosophy only to stop about a month or two into it.  Many factors come into play and all of a sudden you’re too busy or you …

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Tis the Season!

Tis the Season!

Good evening folks, and happy 12/12/12! As I patiently await to take Kim’s stretching class tonight, I was catching up on some reading and doing some thinking about what I should get those special people in my life for the holidays.  I know, I’m a slacker to be thinking about this two weeks until the big day, but hey, better …

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Here We Go!!

Here We Go!!

Hey there internet world!  I’m a health and fitness nut who not only works to have a healthy body, but healthy mind.  This blog will be a work in progress, and I look forward to input from people all around this amazing world.  I’m no expert, but I do have a passion for health and fitness, as well as an …

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