
Stretching Your Life Blog I’m Back!

I’m Back!

Hey there!! Well I’m back from an extremely informative week in Vegas for the ACSM’s Annual Fitness Summit and Exposition.  I’m still slightly overwhelmed from all of the information I received, so it’s taking me some time to process it all in this brain of mine, haha.  I’ll definitely be sharing some tidbits from the summit with you guys.  I learned everything from nutrition, to myofascial lines, to how to create exercise equipment and programs on little to no budget.  The week was jam packed with workouts and lectures.  We also had two extremely inspiring key notes speakers, Dr. Andy Baldwin (, who is not only gorgeous, but truly an amazing person.  His creative ways to get involved and bring fitness and health to his community is very inspiring.  Another keynote, Jim Rippe, M.D. ( a cardiologist who coined the term, “lifestyle medicine”, brought to our attention that exercise doesn’t have to be a weight training or cardio routine.  Just getting up and moving and living your life outside of the tv is fitness and medicine.  It was a really eye opening and fascinating week.

Anyway, more to come on all of that.  I hope everyone has been stretching and has enjoyed their weekend (and St. Patrick’s Day).  It’s Monday! The stretch of the day is Half Circle Neck Stretches!  Make sure you tuck your chin slightly and allow gravity to do the work! Happy Monday!