
Stretching Your Life Testimonials

SYL Class Benefits by Pat

I have been an avid runner for over 30 years so it is understandable that I was distraught when I broke a bone in my foot last year and was restricted to a walking boot for 4 months. Recovery was slow, awkward and uncomfortable due to atrophy of foot and leg muscles. Kim and Stretching Your Life saved me by providing specific stretching movements that strengthened and relaxed my weakened muscle and connective tissue. I am a frequent participant in SYL’s entertaining Wednesday night group stretch sessions to maintain this new-found flexibility. All participants receive individualized attention, focusing on their specific problem areas. As a result, not only am I running pain free, my race times are better than they were pre-injury.

Healing Information by Terry

Fred and Margaret, the lecture by Kim Ortloff was superb! The hands on experience of using various stretching techniques she demonstrated was invaluable. Thank you very much for all the work you did in arranging it! I suggest that we continue having Kim give the GWTC members a periodic lecture since it was also so well received and definitely a MUST have. I also highly recommend Kim’s book. I’ve had it for about 3 years and it’s an invaluable source of information on healing and, most especially, avoiding injuries. With it broken down according to each area of the body, it’s a quick source of information.

Thank you by Susan

Hi Kim – I just want to thank you for your constant enthusiasm, expertise and attitude – and, forcefulness – you have just the right balance. I really, really appreciate all of it. I’m looking forward to working on what we discussed yesterday and previous days. Thanks so much. I think my plan to to keep at what you’ve given me until I’m ready to explode with more questions. Thanks so much, again.

New Life Goal by Clair

I practice Aikido out here in Portland, OR with Melanie Young and Dan Kolp. As a newbie LMT a couple years ago, they fervently urged me to take the Mattes stretching course in Seattle last June entirely because of your wonderful work with them. I can never thank you enough. My new life goal became that everyone I meet achieve and maintain their optimal flexibility in all joints so they can experience true freedom to live their lives as fully as possible. Wow. So, I have been spreading the good news. Best wishes and immense gratitude.

Recovery by Peter

Kim, This is your old stretching friend from Tallahassee. A few years ago Doc sent me a copy of your book. Four months ago I fell in the sand on my bike and broke my hip on the corner of the bike path in LA. While I was recovering I was sitting in my chair next to my bookcase, and there, like a sign to me, was your book. So I read it and it has helped me greatly in the recovery. I cycle again now. Thanks!

Perfect Posture by John

Kim, Thanks SO MUCH for this morning…you are REALLY good. I’ve just sort of been dancing around today because it DOESN’T HURT ANYMORE. I love STRETCHING. And the DVD is just the perfect posture police -:) thanks again!!

An Hour A Day by Paul

I’m 48. In 2002, when I was 44, I overtrained, over-raced, and as a result, injured my right IT band. I healed up by backing off on my training and, most importantly, pursuing an aggressive stretching discipline. I saw Kim Ortloff for four weekly stretching regimens and stretched for an hour a day every day of the week on my own. Kim taught me the Active Isolated Stretching method developed by Aaron Mattes. We did the two-person variety during my office visits and I completed the solo variety at home. As a result, my overall flexibility improved dramatically, not to mention my right IT band. Problem solved. I recommend stretching for everyone!

My first Marathon by Blake

Kim: Thank you again for your kind thoughts. Until I discovered your book, I had resigned myself to thinking that running and pain were inseparable. Down here on the Texas/Mexico border there are not many resources for sports injury rehabilitation and prevention. Your book and DVD gave me information that I would not have otherwise had access to locally. Your assistance helped make it possible for me to finally complete my first marathon and now I can keep my dream of an Iron distance triathlon alive! The stretching has been wonderful!

Eliminating Pain by Martin

Hi. I am a 48 year old male who has been having a rather severe episode of sciatic pain from a sports injury. I bought your book today and I must say that it’s one of the best I have seen that deals with handling and working to eliminate pain. The illustrated stretches are great and the writing style that you and Angela use is very straight forward and understandable. I just wanted to say thank you for providing us pain sufferers with material that we can use to take charge of our situation. Very appreciated.

Stretching My Life by Michael

Kim, Hi this is Michael in Arkansas. I have been doing the few stretches you showed me before I left and I just wanted to tell you thank you so much because they have been working fabulously. I showed them to my trainers and they even made a few tables with the straps so that they could perform the stretches more effectively on everyone. I don’t know when I’m coming home but when I do you can bet that you’ll be one of the first people I will be coming to visit. I hope all is well and thank you once again, I feel the best that I’ve felt in a long time.

Trip To The Keys by Ted

Kim, My arm and elbow are feeling much better with the stretches you showed me!! thanks sooooo much. Just in time for my trip to the Keys to catch some lobster- we hope! Glad to have you in my corner.

Healing Talent by Sarah

Kim, the stretching has been great! Pretty amazing correlation to my hip discomfort. If I stretch regularly, no discomfort. If I don’t, mild discomfort. Have yet to get to what I would describe as pain since I started stretching and the leg lifts. The discomfort just serves as a great reminder to stretch! I’ve been able to do long walks with no issues at all. I wanted to give you an update and thank you for sharing your amazing healing talent!!! I’m lucky to know ya! Thanks!

Joint Pain in the Hips, Knees by Jo

Dear Kim, After several years of living with joint pain in my hips, knees and ankles I have finally gotten relief and renewed flexibility thanks to your ‘Stretch Your Life’ series of exercises. They are now a part of my regular workout routine. I can’t believe how long I lived with my knees killing me just from getting up after sitting when the problem was so easily resolved. It is a wonderful series of stretches! Thanks!

Savannah Marathon by Jo Ann

Hi Kim, Thanks to your stretching class and teaching me to stretch, I completed the TLH marathon yesterday AND MY KNEE IS WELL!!! Can you believe it! I also am happy to report that I took 4 minutes off of my Savannah Marathon time, so my new PR is 4.41!!! Thanks Kim. You have made all the difference.